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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!! I know it’s a little late but I have been enjoying the Christmas period and have enjoyed doing absolutely nothing. For the last month or so I have managed to create approximately zero pieces of new work, participate in absolutely no exhibitions and trade at no Christmas markets. Instead I have used the time to attend Christmas markets and exhibitions as a customer and take a long hard look at 2018. After dissecting it and inspecting the contents, I have concluded that 2018 was an amazing year. It did have some ups and downs on the art front but fortunately I think it was mainly ups. The highlight of the year has to be the number of people getting in touch with me to show me a photo of my art on their wall and to tell me how much the artwork means to them, whether it was symbolic of their relationship, a present from a loved one or something they’re proud to have on their wall, it’s great to hear these stories and to see where my artwork ends up. Other highlights included 2 new shops stocking my work (thank you D-Pod and Cat in the Sack), the alternative London Underground sign collaboration with Oliver Norris, sticker bombing my way around London and selling a whopping 68 pieces of artwork.

After a successful 2017 I set myself the goal of selling 100 pieces of art in 2018. I didn’t quite hit that very ambitious target but I’m really pleased with the results. I also increased the number of sales despite doing fewer exhibitions and markets which is brilliant. So thank you to everyone who bought my artwork or helped spread the word through liking, sharing or commenting on my posts. 100 in 2019 is definitely going to be my goal.

Although I’m not changing my goals, I may be a little quieter in 2019 and you may not see as much of me at exhibitions. I know I’m way too old to be a student but I have just gone into the final year of my studies, so I guess I need to focus on that for a bit. I do have lots of ideas for new artwork and it is a good distraction so you never know... I might even be more productive. I also intend to put the iPad down and break out the paints again which I can’t wait to do.

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